Monday, July 28, 2014

Have you been unable to get the "official" Scleroderma dignosis? Then this one's for you!

Have you been trying to search for answers re: the multiple symptoms you've been suffering with?  Have you gone from doctor to doctor, and you still don't have any answers as to what may be wrong with you?  Are you feeling like you're at your wits end; and, you're completely frustrated, confused and overwhelmed?  Well, this post is for you!! 
I know it's difficult when physicians aren't able to assign a diagnosis to your specific set of ailments.  Awful doctors will tell you, "It's all in your head & you're probably depressed." Whatever you do in life,  DO NOT & I repeat, DO NOT, listen to them! You know your body better than anyone else! You know when you aren't feeling like yourself, and you have pain, discomfort, changes in your skin, a persistent cough; and, the other Scleroderma/ Sjogrens/Pulmonary Fibrosis type symptoms (the list of symptoms is really long. If I were to type it out, um ...I'd straight up need to hop off of the bed, run - -wait who am I kidding? The only running I do is a fake brisk walk! LOL.. Anyway, I'd have to 'briskly' walk to get the braces to keep my wrists in place; because my hands just don't work the same way anymore...but, I digress).  If I can give you the smallest bit of comfort, I want you to know it's definitely NOT in your head; simply put - pain is real! A good physician will be straight up honest with you; if they can't piece together the multiple symptoms you're experiencing. Moreover, an excellent physician will recommend you to a specialist who knows more about the specific chronic illness they 'think' you may have. My advice to you is don't give up hope! Forge ahead & find the best rheumatologist in your area!!!! They will order all the blood tests to search the ANA levels and CPK levels in your body; as well as, give you a thorough physical examination and an in depth conversation so that can take your history etc. Depending on where you're located (geographically), you may check your local Scleroderma Foundation Chapter. You can find that out by going here:,  They can give you the info for their rheumatologists, nephrologists, pulmonologists etc. Another way you can go about finding a specialist would be to go onto the website of the nearest major university hospital & research the specialists. Keep going forward until you get an accurate diagnosis!! Validation is necessary, it will be medically confirmed that you will know you aren't crazy! You are indeed experiencing pain all day, every day. I hope this is helpful!

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